2003-06-21 - 11:52 p.m.

If you have not seen it yet, go rent "Antwone Fisher". It is SUCH a great movie about the triumph of the human spirit over adversity. I was so impressed by this true story, and by the man behind the story (they had an interview with the real Antwone Fisher on the DVD). It really is a must see!

Well, tommorrow it is back to work for me. Oh, joy! Not! I took vacation for a week from work and from my diet. Now that I am going back to work I MUST get my eating in control again as well. Funny thing is, last week I was so sure that I had gained weight because I was not as careful as I could have been, yet I lost more than I had lost in previous weeks when I was so careful. I think my body rebels when I don't eat enough. It seems like I lose more weight if I stay to the top end of my points, or even go over once a week. I know they say that if you don't eat enough, you don't lose the weight you want to, and I guess it is true in my case. So, I have to make it a point now to eat at least my minimum points each day. I am going to rejoin the gym as well. My dad gave me permission to use his credit card just to put my gym membership on, so I am going to do that on Monday. I need to get back into working out.

I also need to go pickup new contact lenses tommorrow as well as get my nails done at some point during this week. I can use all the money I will be saving by not eating out all the time (which I did every day this week). So, no more overeating or eating out (except chinese once a week), get my contacts, fingers and toes in shape so I can look better for myself and my boo. I need to get my ass in gear today. Wish me luck.

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