What is your opinion?

Natalie - 2003-07-03 18:12:56
Hi, I think that if you go here: http://notme2000.diaryland.com/FavEntries.html and scroll down until you get to an entry entitled "Metamorphosis" that might help you because he had anxiety attacks as well and was able to overcome them. He's a really interesting Diarylander as well, he really got his life together, which I know you're trying to do, so I think you'll really like his diary. Good luck.

J - 2003-07-05 04:49:30
Have you ever considered trying prayer? Some of the things you mentioned in you entry about spirituality seem so phoney. A simple start is to pray to God to help you and guide you. God is always there. He can help you overcome your problems with anxiety, weight and pot. There is no easy solution to some of your problems, but prayer can get you through those tough moments when you want to eat food you shouldn't or smoke. Good luck.

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